Thursday, February 02, 2006

LARC Happenings

It's been a busy few weeks at LARC. We've started a campaign to be more aggressive with contacting news directors about our clients and their tapes. Apparently it's paying off. Over the last three weeks, 3 LARC grads have been hired... One as a main anchor. I'm starting to hear more news directors talk more about LARC tapes and in particular the training they're getting at LARC. That's cool because in a few years, having LARC on your resume will be like having a respected award on your resume. Next, we plan to take a trip to the RTNDA/NAB convention in Vegas. While there, LARC will be holding free tape critiques for reporters. This trip won't be to sell people on LARC, but show how our expertise will help divide the contenders from the pretenders. See you in Vegas, baby!!!