Sunday, May 14, 2006

LARC: Tip of the Week - Preparing to Make THE TAPE

For those of you who are serious about getting into the news business, this is the most important tip for you. Your resume tape is, for the most part, your only way into a news station. You have to make it your best. First, you should look at lots of resume tapes. Get a since of the structure and flow of tapes. Time the length of the slate, montage. pacakges and anchoring. Take notes on the type of packages (hard, feature, business, sports, etc.) Write a flow chart on how you want your tape structured. Start with the word SLATE in a box at the top of the page. A line from that box should go the next box which should read montage. After that, first package, second package, any live work, any anchor work. In the respective boxes, write in detail what will be in your slate, montage, packages, anchoring sections. Drawing out how you'll structure your tape will make it much easier when it comes time to put your tape together.

Next weeks tip: Getting stories for your resume tape. (Other than LARC)