Friday, April 28, 2006

New: LARC Tip of the Week

So, here we are. LARC tip of the Week. What the heck is that? Well, it's simple. After 20 years of writing, reporting, etc and Emmys, Golden Mikes and Associated Press awards, I figure I can show you a thing or two about reporting. Also, after helping nearly 30 people find reporter jobs, or interview for such, in the last 2 years, my advice might be helpful to somebody. So, here (think Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh) we goooo!:

Tip #1 Making the Resume Tape

Sounds simple, right? Wrong. This tip is really for the new-to-college kid who signed up for Broadcast Journalism as a major. You know, learning everything about the biz to make it big in the biz. What's the tip? Simple - WATCH THE NEWS!!!